Yuma, Arizona - Last week the Yuma Fire Department received a call about a bee swarm. Each year the Yuma Fire Department will be asked to respond to bee swarms. Although bee sting deaths are rare, they do occur and people with allergies to these stings are particularly at risk. Bees can swarm into a location and stay for only a couple of hours, or make it their new home.

Not all bees are “killer bees”, (in AZ since 1993) but people do need to be cautious when outdoors hiking, hunting, fishing, biking, etc. They won’t form a large swarm and “hunt” for you (That’s a Hollywood thing!), but they will defend themselves aggressively.

If you are attacked, run away quickly until you reach shelter (a vehicle or building). Do not try to stand still in an attempt to fool the bees. Do not try to fight the bees. They have the advantage of numbers. Although it may be tempting, do not jump into water (especially canals, which could be more dangerous than the bees!). The bees will wait for you to come up for air. Do not swat at bees or flail your arms.

Do wear light colored clothing. Check your house and yard regularly (fill cracks and crevices in walls). Remove piles of junk from your yard. Be aware of your surroundings, keep escape routes in mind. Watch for warning signs (flying at your face, buzzing your head, etc.). Keep away from bee colonies/swarms. YFD will respond if someone is being attacked or has been injured, but otherwise call a beekeeper or exterminator if you encounter a swarm.

For more information about fire and injury prevention classes we offer, contact the Yuma Fire Department Public Information Office at 928-373-4855.