Washington, DC - The Department of State has renewed the Charter of the Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations’ Industry Advisory Group (IAG) for an additional two-year period.  The Industry Advisory Group (IAG) serves in an advisory capacity with respect to industry and academia’s latest concepts, methods, best practices, innovations, and ideas related to the OBO mission of providing safe, secure, functional, and resilient facilities that represent the U.S. Government to the host nation and support our staff in the achievement of U.S. foreign policy objectives around the globe.

The IAG is comprised of leading American industry and academic professionals with extensive knowledge and experience in the areas of asset and property management, planning, acquisition, sales, leasing, design, engineering, construction, historic preservation, resiliency, natural hazards, emergency operations, program development, as well as facilities operations and maintenance.

The group meets annually in the spring at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C.  Procedures for registration are included with each meeting announcement, no later than fifteen business days before each meeting.

OBO provides safe, secure, functional, and resilient facilities that represent the U.S. Government to the host nation and support our staff in the achievement of U.S. foreign policy objectives.  These facilities represent American values and the best in American architecture, design, engineering, technology, sustainability, art, culture, and construction execution.